Climate Change Sci-Fi Photo Novel
Join us on a mesmerizing journey through the year 2222, a time defined by transformation and revelation.
In this Sci-Fi Photo Novel, we explore the profound impacts of climate change on our world,
offering a glimpse into a future shaped by the consequences of our actions.

Frozen fire waves
Collectible by Fascicules: A unique experience
Our project unfolds in a truly unique manner, Collectible by Fascicules.
This means you’ll experience the story in small, engaging segments, just like the chapters of a book,
making each installment a cherished collectible piece.
Illuminating the effects of climate change
Climate Change has profoundly altered our world, from the very air we breath to the way
we perceive it. This project delves into the transformations of atmospheric gasses and particles,
showcasing how they affect the transmission of light and sound. By visually representing these changes,
we offer an immersive experience that bridges the gap between our past and a future
underpinned by this environmental shift.
A World in crisis
As Homo sapiens, we’ve navigated a complex web of natural, economic, religious, and political factors,
often prioritizing profits, consumption, and shareholder ambitions. This relentless pursuit has taken a
toll in our beloved planet, depleting its resources and, in turn, accelerating our decline.
Witnessing the domino effect of biological annihilation, where 90 per cent of plants and
animal species face extinction, marking the end of the Anthropocene.
We find ourselves at the precipice of a new geological era.
Bring the future to life
Our mission is to rise awareness of the critical juncture we face.
We take inspiration from today’s imagery and apply digital modifications to visualize
a future shaped by Homo sapiens intelligence (HSI). We invite you to embark on a
personal journey from our initial image into a world where you can
reconstruct the future at your discretion.
Reward for your role in our journey
Join us in shaping this narrative. As patrons, you’ll enjoy exclusive privileges,
such as having your name on the final credits, collaborating in the creation of 22 time capsules,
and receive unique art products designed just for you as a token of our appreciation.
Products to be released
A collectible book, downloadable PDF chapter by chapter, considered first edition,
numbered in order of engagement and nominated with your name.
Video Photo Novel downloadable in short segments.
Sound track. Downloadable
Exclusive prints, of various sizes, each bearing the hallmark of authenticity.
A limited de luxe edition, personalized and signed.
22 time capsule books, to be sealed and opened in 2222,
containing elements from the collector and myself.
Exhibition, An immersive installation featuring photography, video and music.
Release schedule
The project is set to be launch in March 2024 and will continue until march 2025.
During this period, it will be exclusively available to registered collectors and followers.
After march 2025, it will be open to the general public.
Stay informed
To learn more and express your interest, please leave a message,
and we’ll keep you updated on registration details as they become available.